PROFESSIONAL Wall Painting Services for Apartment And Villa Painting Services in Dubai, UAE
The quickest and most economical way to give your property a facelift is to give it a fresh coat of paint. We are pleased to offer a wide range of professional painting services for commercial, industrial and residential buildings.
Quick service on time
Easy booking call us (055 1200630) or fill contact form
Professionally Trained & Expert Painters
Fully Insured and Licensed
One of the most important aspects of any room is the color of the room. It is the first thing that people notice when they walk into a room, and it also leaves the biggest impression on a person when they leave the room. Choosing the right color can make all of the difference in the world. With a multitude of colors to choose from, the task of picking the right color, let alone the right color combinations, can be quite daunting.
We believe that everyone deserves to live in a beautiful home. Painting is one of the least costly ways that can improve and change the overall appearance of your home. It protects your home from the ageing process, beautifies and gives it fabulous appeal, and increases your home’s value. It can make an older home look new again and make newer home stand out on your street. Our well trained painters and decorators will help you create a perfect working or living environment.
We are here to provide you with all sorts of painting services and professional painters for your homes, villas, apartments and offices.
Service includes:
- Covered floor & furniture
- Cracks & nail filling
- Repair damages & sanding
- Apply double coat painting
- Colour Selection – Catalogue (colour chart)
Call Us For 100 % Free Quote. (Only in Dubai)
Property Size | Apartment & Townhouse | Villa & Penthouse |
Studio Apartment | AED 450/- | – |
1 Bedroom | AED 750/- | AED 850/- |
2 Bedroom | AED 1050/- | AED 1,550/- |
3 Bedroom | AED 1,750/- | AED 2,400/- |
4 Bedroom | AED 2,300/- | AED 3,650/- |
5 Bedroom | AED 3,500/- | AED 4,800/- |